Mariane Pearl


Mariane Pearl is a multilingual award-winning writer who advocates worldwide for both women’s and non-binary people’s rights through journalism and storytelling.

Challenge Mariane Pearl is a renowned name in the world of journalism. Over many years, she has crafted a wide portfolio of content, including international projects and photography. She has also published a number of books.

Mariane was looking to refresh and re-energize her personal brand, while also celebrating the wealth of  content she has built. The challenge faced was to take Mariane’s old website content and combine it with her new work to create a cohesive and compelling new brand.

Where King's Crest Global Comes In Having the opportunity to work closely with a world-renowned writer, the King’s Crest Global team developed the website and strategically designed the platform and UX experience with the goal of enabling her writing to shine. Over the course of several months, the team guided the client through the brand treatment process, carefully selecting new images, font styles, and brand colors. The development team then implemented this by building a modern, sleek website using the CMS Wordpress.

+Launched an engaging website and platform for the client.
The new website gave Mariane Pearl a solid platform for her new brand, which was strategically aligned with her current goals and engaging for both her users and target audience.

Mariane Pearl is an award-winning journalist, writer, and editor, recognized for her impactful work in English, French, and Spanish. As the co-founder of THE METEOR platform and founder of WOMEN BYLINES, Mariane is dedicated to amplifying women's voices and promoting activism through storytelling.
Mariane Pearl Mariane P Founder & CEO